Latest updates from a multi-talented creator

🎵 Latest Updates from Studio & Beyond - November 2023

Southside Type Beat 144 BPM E Minor

New Single: "Digital Sunset"

My latest electronic-folk fusion track dropped last week. Those who've been following my journey know I've been experimenting with blending acoustic guitar with synthesized soundscapes.

This one was inspired by those gorgeous twilight moments when the city meets nature. Available now on all major streaming platforms.

Podcast: "Creative Intersections" - Season 2

Episode 23: "When Disciplines Collide" just went live! Had an amazing conversation with renowned sculptor Maya Chen about how her architecture background influences her art.

The discussion about creative cross-pollination really hit home - especially that part about failing gloriously across multiple mediums to find your voice. New episodes drop every Tuesday.

Studio Notes:

  • Currently finalizing the mix on three new tracks for the upcoming EP "Midnight Workspace"
  • Started a new series on the podcast focusing on solopreneurs who work across different creative fields
  • That collaboration with the indie game developer I hinted at? It's happening! More details soon...

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